here are some pictures of random places throughout athens.

greece is on, or very near an earthquake fault line. here, the eart opened up an a huge portion of the earth sunk. it created this pool of water that is so deep, supposedly no one has swum to the bottom. taken with a grain of salt of course.

beautiful picture of the water and some rocks, some famous places from greek mythology off in the distance.

here is my dear friend manos (newly ordained) who was kind enough to skip his lousy job to be my generous tour guide. this is apparently a small shrine built by a man just before he died. he decided to give back to god and built this without anyone being none the wiser.

another view from the pretty rocks.

manos is a pro photographer. here i am with my eyes closed, with all of the athenian glory in the background. (well not nearly all of athens. the city is extremely wide).
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